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New Mover and New Homeowner Mailing

New movers and new homeowners are great leads for local businesses.  New movers have just arrived in a neighborhood and will be looking to establish their new lives including finding local restaurants, laundry services, grocery stores, and dentists which if they are pleased with the services will use for as long as they live in their new home or apartment.  This is a great opportunity to create a lifelong customer.

In addition to searching for local businesses new movers and homeowners will be more likely to use services like home repair, new installations, cleaning and gardening services, furniture, etc.  There are a lot of expenses associated with a new move and new movers spend about the same amount of money in the first 6 months of their move as most Americans spend during the whole year.

The good news is that it is possible to identify addresses that have just moved and target them directly.  Targeting households with a direct mail offer right as they move into their new home is a great way to welcome them to the neighborhood and introduce your business.  Not only are households looking for local restaurants and stores to try but they are also excited to explore their new home and check their mailbox daily.  This is a great opportunity for marketers to directly target potential new clients.