Action Mail

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Why do EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) yourself?

The truth is it is much more efficient and cost effective to have a mail house do your EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) campaign for you.  Mailing EDDM pieces using a mail house provides several advantages.

1.       Mail houses can get lower Postage rates than retail EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail)

2.       Mail houses do not need to submit EDDM pieces to the local post office where the piece will be delivered.  This gives flexibility in selecting routes in various zip codes and can save money and the hassle of delivering the pieces to the local post office

3.       Direct mail houses can send more than 5,000 pieces at a time

4.       Mailing agents can process the postal paperwork more efficiently and accurately.  Working with the USPS on a daily basis and using automated processing software it is much easier for mail house to complete the postal paperwork

5.       Mail houses have automated processes which enable them to sort and bundle much more efficiently

6.       Mail houses can review your piece prior to mailing to ensure that it complies with all the USPS regulations

7.       If you have the mail house print the pieces or if the pieces are delivered directly to the mail house you will not have to pay tax on printing.

8.       Diret mail companies can also provide advice on the design and layout of your piece helping with the offer and driving responses.

9.       Using a direct mail house can also give you additional options of using different mailing methods, which a direct mail house may suggest based on your goals and budget. Often times EDDM may not be the correct option for your goals.

There is a good chance that having a mail house process and deliver your USPS EDDM mailing campaign will not only save you the hassle of organizing the mailing by yourself but it will save you money.  Putting money aside understanding and correctly implementing USPS regulations is often times a difficult task.  It is much simpler to focus on your campaign and leave the mailing aspect to a mail house.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help with EDDM as well as other direct mail campaimgs.