Contact Us at 760-480-2323

January 21, 2018 USPS Rate Change

On January 21st, 2018 the USPS postage rates will be changing.  The main change is that the cost of a first class stamp will be increasing from 49 cents to 50 cents, but there are also changes to bulk mail prices as well.  Below is a high level summary of the changes that will be made.

Full Rate First Class Postage:  The price of a stamp will increase but the price to meter at first class full rates will decrease

·         First class stamps have increase by 1 cent to $0.50 per piece

·         First class flats (large envelopes) have increased by 2 cents to $1.00 or two first class letter stamps



Presorted First Class: Rates will be very similar.  There is about a 1% or ($0.001-0.005) increase in letter rates and the rates for flats increases for 5-digit sorts and decreases for Mixed ADC and 3-digit sorts.

·         Presorted First class letter size pieces still mail at the same rate for pieces that weigh 3.5oz or less

PresortFirst Class2018.JPG


Standard or Marketing Mail Class: Rates will be very similar.  Letter rates will remain very similar with the SCF rate increasing slightly.  The rates for flats will increase slightly more than that of letters.




Non Profit: Non Profit letter rates will increase on average by about $0.001-0.005 per piece



Packages: USPS packages prices will increase on average by 3.9%

  • Rates for  First Class Packages Commercial, First Class International USPS Retail Ground, and Priority Mail will all increase 3.9%
  • First Class Retail Parcels will increase 14.5%

You can stock up on forever stamps while they are still $0.49 but after January 1st all stamps and mail sent at bulk mail rates will have the new prices.


 For more in-depth information on these rate changes please contact us at (760) 480-2323.