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direct mail invitation

Invitation Mistakes that Can Cost Thousands in USPS Postage

Creating the perfect invitation for your event is important to publicize the event and create excitement.  Whether the event is fundraiser, gala, meeting, or corporate event the design of the invitation is important in branding the event.  Though there are a few simple steps that could save thousands on USPS Postage and mailing fulfillment of bulk mailed invitations.  Below are a few thing to look out for.

Size: Square envelopes and envelopes with the smaller side being larger than 6.125" have significantly higher postage rates.  Typically it is recommendable to use stock envelope size like A-6, A-7, A-8, A-9, A-10 etc.  This will save on the envelope cost and and postal savings.

Color of Envelope: Many times invitations have color envelopes. The issues with colored envelopes is if they are too dark the USPS cannot differentiate the barcode from the envelope and will not be able to pass the envelope through the USPS automation machinery resulting in higher postage rates.  This happens with metallic envelopes and envelopes on darker colors. There are USPS automation envelopes available or Action mail can review the envelopes and provide them to the USPS to sample on their machinery.

Envelope Flaps: Many invitation envelopes have a non-machinable flap.  This design which has a large flap that has square corners is not able to run on automated inserting machinery.  Selecting an envelope with a small flap with rounded corners will allow Action Mail to use automation machinery and reduce your fulfillment costs.

There are many ways to send a bulk mail invitation and many different price points.  Feel free to contact us and discuss your design plans and we would be happy to provide feedback and steps to reduce costs while still maintaining the branding and look you desire.




Invitation Mailing

 A great way to increase attendance and awareness about an event is to send an direct mail invitation.  Similarly to receiving a wedding invitation, receiving an event invitation makes the event special and allows the invitation to resonate with the recipient.  Receiving a well though out event invitation in the mail will increase the importance of the event and ensure that the recipient it aware of the event.  Additionally a mailed invitation can be kept as a reminder of the event date and can also create conversation and awareness about the event if it is displayed on the fridge or any other location as a reminder.  

 E-mail invitations and publicity on websites do not connect with your audience as well as mailed invitations, and can often get missed in people's inboxes.  Mailed invitations allow you to target your database of previous attendees, donors, clients, etc, and there is also the possibility to target prospective attendees that meet the demographic of your audience. Mailed invitations are a great way to brand your event and connect with and grow your audience.

Event invitations do not need to be as intricate and expensive as wedding invitations and there are many ways to create invitations that are aesthetically pleasing and provide all the event information.  Self-mailers are often great for event invitations as they allow a colorful piece while also saving money on the use of an envelope.  Alternatively a simple envelope with a card inside can also be done inexpensively while maintaining a high quality look.  We have also seen well design postcards that can act as invitations or save the dates.  The possibilities are endless, but one thing is for sure, a well designed invitation will have a lasting effect and draw more attendance and awareness of your event.