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Tips For a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

We often get asked what can mailers do to increase responses and have a successful direct mail campaign. Like any marketing we believe targeting the right people with the right message at the right time will lead to results. One of the most important aspects of a direct mail campaign is the list. If you do not target the correct audience no matter how good your offer and mail piece are you are likely to not get a great result. There are a few other tips below, but we recommend starting by targeting the right demographic.

Stand out in the mailbox

Make sure your piece stands out in the mail. This can be done by the size, material, variable data, or design of the mail piece but make sure that there is something to grab respondent’s attention. Depending on the budget

Make it easy to respond

One of the biggest mistakes is making it hard for respondents to act on your mailer. Make the deliverable you want easy for the respondent to see and act on. For example if your goal is to have them visit a website, put the website all over the card and make sure it is clear and easy to see and read.

Clear Messaging

Make sure your messaging is clear, easy to read, and directed toward the correct demographic.

Multiple Touches

Sending multiple mail pieces often helps increase the odds of arriving at the right time and futher promoting your brand and messaging

There are many things that can be done to get the attention of your target audience in the mailbox, but the most important aspect is targeting the right audience.