Contact Us at 760-480-2323

When to use a Mail House for your Direct Mail Campaign

There are many things to consider when deciding whether your next mailing should be handled by a mail house. Below is a checklist of items that you should weigh when deciding if a mail house is right for you.

§  Quantity: The number of pieces you plan to mail is the biggest factor in determining if a mail house is right for you. Depending on the size of your mailing you may qualify for postage discounts. A mail house can determine if you qualify for the discount and they can ensure that you receive the discount on your mailing.  Often times this discount will more than pay for all the services the mail house will provide. Note, that even if you qualify for the bulk discount there are still certain things that you must do to obtain the discount.

§  Production: You must consider the specifications of the piece you would like to mail. What printing, folding, tabbing, inserting, etc. needs to be done to complete your mailing? Mail houses have the necessary capital machinery to save you time and money on the production of your piece.

§  Appearance: If you are looking for a clean professional appearance of your piece, mail houses have the experience and technology to ensure that your piece looks professional and polished.  For instance addresses printed directly on letters as opposed to labels give you mailing a more distinguished look.

§  Speed: Mail houses have the experience and expertise to complete and process your mailing in a timely manner. If you have a strict deadline and need your mailing delivered by a certain date it may be beneficial to utilize a mail house to ensure there are no hiccups in the process, and your mailing goes out on time.

§  Experience: There are many aspects that go into a successful mailing. For a successful mailing you must understand all aspects of the process; from the design and pre-production work to production to tracking. Mail houses have procedures in place to ensure that your mailing goes smoothly and all of the aspects of your mailing are taken care of. Quality control is essential for bulk mailings and most mail houses have quality control processes. In addition, an experienced mail house can consult you on the best practices to ensure you see the highest return on your investment.


If you think that using a mail house may be right for your next mailing please give us a call at 760-480-2323 or email us at