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Avoid COVID-19 Screen Fatigue with Direct Mail

During the lockdown people are spending an incredible amount of time in front of computer and phone screens.  All this time can lead to a condition called Screen Fatigue,  common symptoms are blurry vision , double vision , bloodshot eyes , stiff neck and pain in your spine.

A good break from your screen is a trip to the mail box.

Now is an excellent time to utilize direct mail as there is very little competition in the mail box and consumers are eager to see what waiting for them in their mail boxes.

Direct Mail is a great tool to use in order to inform customers of your operational procedures during the reopening phase. Targeted lists can find your ideal customer in the in a specific geographical area,  for example within a certain radius of your facility.

Now is an excellent time to use direct mail , either cards letters or catalogs to get ahead of the game and build some excitement as people prepare to get back to work and in to stores as soon as the lockdown ends.