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political mailing

Quick Turn Around Political Mailings

With the mid-term election fast approaching the key to a successful political mailing campaign is to provide voters with relevant information at the correct time. With the political climate changing daily getting the most up to date messaging that will resonate with voters can make a big dfference.

At Action Mail we can provide rush turn around times of political mailers to help with your election campaign. Contact us with your specific campaign and turn around needs and we will make sure it gets in voters hands when you need it. We can work with you to balance costs and turn around times to make sure your political mailing gets in the hands of voters while still keeping within budget.

Let us know what you need and when you need and we will work with you to make sure your quick turn around political mailings are delivered on time and on budget.

Political Mailing San Diego

Mailing will play a big role in the primary and general election in 2020. It is important to start planning early so that when campaigns are ready to mail everything is setup to get mailings delivered quickly. With elections and political mailings campaigns and messaging can change quickly but it everything is prepared and planned mailings can get to voters in time with the right messaging.

Action Mail delivers mail to the main post office in San Diego to ensure fast delivery to households in San Diego. Action Mail will also evaluate your list to determine if a different post office delivery will reduce the postage cost and or delivery time. Action Mail will also tag mailings as political mailings to the USPS can easily identify them and expedite their delivery to arrive as soon as possible.

Action mail is always a resource for political mailings and all your mailing needs. Please contact us to learn more about how we can get your political campaigns ready and ensure they are setup to get the best postage rates and target the right demographic.

Targeted Political Mailing

Direct mail is integral for political campaigns, but there are a few different approaches that can be taken for political mailings.  Many political campaigns saturate areas, mailing to everyone in a specific area.  This has advantages in that the campaign has a wide reach and there are also postage savings as well as the ability to mail larger pieces at similar postage rates.  This is great for some campaigns, but other times a more targeted approach is necessary.

Targeted political mailings can use data from the registrar of voters or other data sources to specifically target voters, interests, or demographics.  One advantage of targeted political mailers is that you can specifically target voters which saves money on postage and printing.  You can also eliminate certain voters and focus on your mailings on your base.  

Targeted political mailings also give you the option of tailoring the message of the mailer to the specific audience.  Lists can be created and/or segmented so a specific message that resonates with a certain group or demographic can be used.  Creating specific messaging for based on data can be much more effective then canvasing an entire area with a generic message.

There are additional costs in using a targeted approach like an increase in postage, possible increases in printing costs due to variable data printing, list costs, increased design costs for different messaging, etc.  Yet, many times these additional costs are offset by the fact that the mailings will be smaller than the saturation mailings so you will spend less on postage and printing.

Both forms political mailings are very effective but the choice as to using a saturation mailing vs a targeted approach will depend on the type of campaign and which strategy is best suited for the campaign and its messaging.  It can also be very effective to use a mixture of generic and targeted mail pieces.


It is the time of the year when the USPS is starting to see a lot of red tag mail running through their equipment.

What is Red Tagged Mail?


All qualified political mail will have their mail trays or sacks tagged with a special red tag by the mail house . This helps the post office identify the mail as political mail so that this political mail can be given priority service. Most political mailings run on very tight turnaround times and this identification is extremely important in ensuring the mail gets to the destination on time before election day.


1.        Make sure your art conforms with the standards set out by the USPS for bulk mail discounts. Your art should also have the necessary bleeds built in so that the color will print to the edge.

2.       Get your mailing list ready ahead of time and send it to your mail house so that the list can be scrubbed for bad address and updated with the new address. Also decide ahead of time if you would like to remove all addresses that do not qualify for maximum discounts due to them not matching what the USPS has as a valid address.

3.       Make sure you have postage funds available prior to delivery of the mail to the post office. The USPS will not accept mail without payment, standard (bulk) mail cannot be paid with a credit card.